jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Que actividades realizamos en el video

En el video de nuestro equipo lo que Mateo hizo fue buscar algunas de las fotos que aparecen en el video junto con Juani.Ramiro , se encargó de la musica.Roman y Joaquin, se encargaron de la administración del video (subtitulos, efectos, etc.).Mateo aportó unas ideas sobre la administración. También, joaquin aporto un video.

Los hielos Continentales

Éste video lo realizamos durante mucho tiempo con mis compañeros Joaquín Parodi, Ramiro Caviglia, Mateo Rolon Righetti y Juan Hirschmann. Lo realizamos con el objetivo de consientizar a las personas sobre los problemas en los glaciares de Argentina y el mundo.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Petition Letter

Dear local authorities from Calcutta,
   I am Fausty. I am 14 years old. I am a student from Newlands. I am writing to complain about the problems of this place (Calcutta): Housing: many people have no home. Over a quarter of a million people are forced to sleep in the open.
   Another problem is employment : people with jobs use their homes to work . Other people are unemployed, so they have no money.
 I went to the city hall and I told the authorities  about these problems. They tried to solve but they told me: It was not their problem.  I am very  angry about that.
 These  people  are humans, they  have rights, so I think that the people need respect  and we have to help them
Please inform me in writing by september, 6th, how you will solve these problems.
     thanks for your cooperation.

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011


Common Agricultural Policy or CAP regulates trade between farmers and buyers. Their golds were to give financial support to CAP farmers, to create a single, internal agricultural market, and to increase the average fields, sizes and incomes. But, this new policy had many advantages and disadvantages. In the following lines we are going to discuss them.

The advantages were, for instance, that there was help to CAP farmers economically, they increased their fields sizes and incomes, and created a single external market where farmers would feel safer economically, among others.

The disadvantages , where as an example , the increase of fields sizes and incomes would make tax payer think it was unfair and a waste of money. Rural space would became expensive making minor farmers harder to get new lands. A single market may establish prices to high or to low for buyers, causing serious problems to economy.

In our opinion, the CAP regulation had lots of good points, however, the bad or negative points are bigger and more. This is because we think that as a result, the CAP policy would harm more that it would help

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The Lake district National Park

A place I have recently visited was The Lake District National Park , a very beatiful place! I visited it at my long weekend ; this place is in England.
The best activity was climbing , because there were lots of big rocks, so that was a very dangerous activity, also it kept my body fit.
Another activity was running with a group of people I didnt know.. So you can be with new people , make new friends , etc.
I love the place because it was so relaxing ! Listening to the sound of the river passing through the rocks its so quiet. Also I love places where you can learn , make trips, know about new cultures, etc.

I would reccomend it , but it depends on what people like; some people like staying in a luxury hotel all the holidays , I prefer to know more about new places.      

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

La ocupación de cada Integrante

En el video de nuestro equipo lo que Mateo hizo fue buscar algunas de las fotos que aparecen en el video junto con Juani.
 Ramiro , se encargó de la musica.
Roman y Joaquin, se encargaron de la administración del video (subtitulos, efectos, etc.). mateo aporto unas ideas sobre la administración. También, joaquin aporto un video.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

My living Room

My favourite place at home is the living room. There I have my Xbox-360 , and a HD tv , so I can be comfortable .Also , it is where my notebook gets all the Wi-Fi signal , So I can be with both things at a time.
Next this living room , I have the principal door from the house , and this room is in the middle of the house , So I have access to all rooms ( they are next from ) . Another good thing is that I have a bathroom next to it , So I don`t need to move too much.

Report to recruit young people for the Nazi political party

The purpose of this report is to inform Hitler about how to encourage young people to join the Nazi Party.

Young people can´t live without food , so we can serve cookies with the Nazi Swaztika, and with white cream and not black chocolate cookies ( They can teach badly to young people ). To make young people join.

Young people like music; we can put hidden messages on it ( In the middle of the song we can put a voice saying HITLER 20 seconds ) or we could put our own band in the party , like this they could join the Nazis.

We could organize a party to combine food and music. At the end of it we will have lots of new members.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


 Problems in Rio de Janeiro
    How would you feel about living in a disgusting place ? My journey in Rio de Janeiro was negative because I went to the Favella and there I saw dead people and a Policeman trapped.
    Rio de Janeiro was a negative experience also because the food was horrible and the water was polluted . Some parts of Rio de Janeiro were nice because the water was tasty and transparent.
    There , people were very poor and all the trees were felt down .There were a lot of dead animals and others without home . There were a lot of skinny kids because of bad nutrition and the food was missing.
    Rio de Janeiro is a horrible place , but the experience was unfogettable. I learned Brasilian culture and Portugese. Next time I will choose a better place !

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Vídeo Expedición Bicentenario

Expedicion Bicentenario trata sobre que hace 200 años , Argentina celebra su libertad . El objetivo es incorporar a los argentinos al proyecto . El proyecto se basa en anotar los sueños de los niños argentinos, y llevarlos a distintas partes del pais . Los sueños escritos van a estar guardados en cajas cerradas y celladas, las cuales (Cajas) , seran llevadas en mochilas por los jefes de la expedicion. Las cajas partieron desde el cabildo de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, e iran a todas las provincias de la Argentina .