The movie titled "Babel" was directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blancket and others as Dael Garcia Bernal. The movie is basically about how different cultures from different parts of the world can be connected because of the diffusion media. It is based on the American, Mexican, Japanese and Marroquian cultures.
As far as I am concerned the movie is quite outstanding. The performances are rather good,such as the one of Brad Pitt or Dael Garcia Bernal. I think the characters were well selected. Making reference to place, it was clearly that the author was trying to show the prejudists stablished by societies over different cultures, eventhough he wasnt that realistic. The use of music was quite good,because of the fact that each song was representing the different cultures, like quartet in Mexico or techno in Japan (more technological).
As a conclusion I would recommen this movie because I think director,producers,writter and the whole staff were able to make the correct decisions for the specific things, like scenography, soundtracks, music, etc. Actors did their part well, and they are all well known. So, if you want to watch a good movie full of content know you now which one!
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